Area Plan

A roadmap for service priorities and community investments

The State of Indiana requires each of its 16 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to complete an Area Plan on a biennial basis to ensure that limited public funds allocated by the Older Americans Act and state budget are used to meet priority services. The Area Plan serves as a roadmap for community investments, helps establish service priorities, and increases coordination and collaboration with other organizations.

In assessing needs for the current area plan (linked below), CICOA conducted an area-wide public hearing to solicit public comment regarding community priorities. CICOA also considered data from the census as well as input from stakeholder meetings held during its recent strategic planning process.

Priority needs in the current plan are:

  • Transportation
  • Access to home care services
  • Nutrition – access to fresh, high quality food
  • Affordable housing
  • Translation services for persons with limited English proficiency

In today’s economic environment, increased demand for services and limited resources cause all of us to do “more with less.” These priority needs guide our Board, Advisory Council and staff as we evaluate and fund programs, and as we work with other interested community stakeholders on ways to help make Central Indiana a great community in which to live at any age.

Plan Update and Extension for FY24-25

Per the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, each AAA must develop and prepare an Area Plan with adjustments made as necessary on an annual basis. This updated Plan allows for an extension of the 2022-2023 Plan and covers October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2025. The Plan update and extension, if approved by the FSSA Division of Aging (DA), will serve as the basis of agreement between the DA and the AAA and is a requirement to maintain AAA designation. The Plan must outline and include certain assurances and provisions regarding services and recipients of services funded with Older Americans Act funds and all other funding sources.

In addition to outlining the goals and objective related to older residents, their families and caregivers, the Area Plan serves multiple purposes:

  • Documenting tangible outcomes planned and achieved as a result of long-term care reform efforts;
  • Translating activities, data and outcomes into proven best practices, which can be used to leverage additional funding in some cases;
  • Providing a blueprint for coordination and advocacy activities our agency will undertake to meet the need of older adults, including integrating health and social services delivery systems; and
  • Building capacity for long-term care efforts throughout our area