Produce for Better Health

Fresh fruits & vegetables for seniors

Get fresh fruits and vegetables!

One of the keys to a healthy diet is regularly eating fruits and vegetables, but sometimes it's challenging for seniors to access and afford fresh produce.

CICOA's Produce for Better Health program brings boxes of fresh produce to you!

Keto food for ketogenic and cholesteral diet,

Produce for Better Health Program

The Produce for Better Health (PBH) Program, grant-funded by Anthem BCBS, provides two boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables per month. Each box contains 14 pounds of produce with three fruits and three vegetables.

Participants must report their weight and blood pressure monthly, fill out a separate application and complete quarterly satisfaction surveys to remain enrolled.

Produce for Better Health Success Stories

  • Improved food choices: replaced snacks of chips and cookies with fruit and veggies
  • Sharing recipes
  • Trying new foods
  • Learning how to cook
  • Access to produce they would not be able to afford
  • Reduction in blood pressure and weight
  • Access to medical care and health tracking
  • Improved mood and energy levels
  • Saving money on food
  • We do not take “walk-ins” for farmers market vouchers. You are welcome to obtain applications from us at any time, but we will only distribute booklets during scheduled distribution days.

Where to Get Produce for Better Health Boxes

Spicewood Garden Apartments
Marwood Baptist Church
Carriage House of Glendale
PrimeLife Enrichment
Shelbyville Senior Services
Mooresville Senior Center
Cambridge Square of Beech Grove
Social of Greenwood
HCSC - Hendricks County Senior Center
Thorntown Public Library
Bethany Village
The Towers of Crooked Creek
John Boner
Community Alliance of Far Eastside: (C.A.F.E.)
Nora Commons on the Monon
Martinsville Area Senior Center
Stetson Senior Apartments

We are working on expanding the Produce for Better Health program to CICOA Home-Delivered Meals clients.

It is now available in certain delivery areas. Please contact your Meals & More representative to inquire about adding PBH boxes to your deliveries.

Funding provided by


Produce for Better Health is funded by a grant from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation to the IAAAA Education Institute representing all area agencies on aging in Indiana.

Contact CICOA Meals & More Service

For more information about the Produce for Better Health Program:

Call: (317) 803-6042

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.