Produce for Better Health Volunteer Interest Form

Help seniors get fresh fruits and vegetables!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

Produce for Better Health, a program of CICOA Meals & More, provides two boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables per month to seniors at neighborhood meal sites. Enrolled clients also record their weight and blood pressure to track healthy outcomes. This program is grant-funded by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield.

We have volunteer opportunities for Produce for Better Health. Volunteers will distribute boxes of produce at a meal site twice per month on a recurring schedule (during lunch times), and will assist clients with monthly weight and blood pressure checks (no medical background needed).

Produce for Better Health Volunteer Flyer

Fill out the form below if interested.

Produce for Better Health Volunteer Interest

Click the button below to complete this form. We will reach out to you via email and/or phone call with more information.
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