HUD Awards $2 Million to CICOA to Help Seniors Live Independently and Safely in Their Homes

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CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions has been awarded $2 million for its Home Safety & Accessibility program to keep seniors safe in their homes.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded more than $226 million to state, county, city, and Tribal governments, and to non-profit organizations, to protect families and children by addressing significant health and safety hazards. It will also support increasing local capacity for conducting lead hazard control and additional healthy homes interventions, developing local workforces by training and hiring housing renovation and repair contractors (especially local small businesses) and housing hazard assessment professionals, and researching efficient methods for identifying and addressing housing-related hazards.

“We commend the efforts of our public and nonprofit partners as we seek to make homes safer,” said HUD Agency Head, the Honorable Adrianne Todman. “These grants fund programs and research that will improve health, build community capacity, support older adults, and strengthen housing affordability.”

“By providing these grants, HUD makes it clear that making homes healthy and safe is a priority for communities,” said Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Director Matthew Ammon. “HUD is committed to protecting families from the effects of unhealthy housing and to improving the health and economic stability of communities.”

CICOA received funding under the Helping Seniors Live Independently and Safely in their Homes program:

HUD is awarding more than $109 million to 67 state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations under its Older Adults Home Modification Program. The grantees will modify the homes of senior renters and homeowners through maintenance and repair projects based on findings in the homes by certified occupational therapists and other professionals of fall and other housing hazards that could result in the seniors not being able to continue living at home. One-third of the funds will be awarded to grantees that serve communities with substantial rural populations.

With this grant funding, CICOA’s Home Safety & Accessibility program will complete safety and functional home modifications and limited repairs in primary residences of 150 eligible senior homeowners and renters over age 62 with low or very low income. This work will improve general safety, increase accessibility, and improve residents’ functional abilities in the home for their safe and successful aging in place.


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