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The recent coronavirus crisis and wild market roller coaster may have caused you to scale back or halt your donation plans for your favorite charities. While this is understandable, there may very well be a fund available for you to continue or even increase your current or future giving that you had forgotten about – your donor advised fund.
If you have set up a donor advised fund, it was for just this kind of situation. Your donor advised fund can be utilized to help organizations like the CICOA Foundation. In fact, we are pleased to introduce a tool on our website that will allow you to request a donation for the Foundation and continue to support our great work at CICOA. Head over to the Donate page and click the button “Give now from your Donor-Advised Fund.” There is no fee to use this tool and we appreciate your support!
If you’re not familiar, a donor advised fund is somewhat like a charitable savings account. The owner of the donor advised fund donates assets (usually publicly traded stocks or cash) and possibly gets a charitable deduction. The owner directs which charities will get the distributions from the donor advised fund and when. As with all charitable gift programs, please visit with your advisors and check the rules at the donor advised fund.
The CICOA Foundation supports the work of CICOA with the flexibility and funds to fulfill the most urgent needs. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of seniors, people with disabilities and family caregivers in Central Indiana!