Positive Attitude Nourishes the Soul

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Let’s face it, attitude is everything. Yes, this is a nutrition blog, and I’m talking about attitude. But, attitude is beneficial in so many aspects of life, including overall wellness and the food choices that we make every day. These choices are affected by a myriad of factors bombarding us. Our attitude—whether good or bad—is at least one factor that we have control over.

It’s not always easy to stay positive. Everyone—even motivational speakers—have trouble staying positive some of the time. The Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics presented information about this topic at its annual meeting. I had the privilege of attending the meeting and was enjoying all the motivational, humorous and inspirational stories being presented, when I realized that some of the most successfully aging people I have known all share a similar quality: a high regard for positive attitudes.

My grandma is one of these people. She has been an inspiration to me ever since I was a little girl, and she continues to inspire even now at the age of 93. She’s had to overcome a variety of health issues through the years, but she’s taken them all in stride. I hope I can grow old in the graceful manner that she possesses.

In honor of Older Americans month and my grandma, I would like to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned from her:

  1. Keep a positive attitude. It requires effort, but it makes a difference.
  2. Make a plan for dinner. Plan dinner while you’re having breakfast. This seemed like a crazy concept when I was a kid, but I have learned that when I plan, I make better food choices.
  3. Serve a glass of milk with dinner every night. Dairy is a great source of calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein.
  4. Eat more fish. My grandma loved seafood, and she taught me the importance of this quick and tasty protein source.

Try these recipes below. They are perfect for the coming summer months and for nourishing your mind and body.

The mind is such a powerful tool. Use it to keep a positive attitude and choose foods that nourish the body and improve your success in life.

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