Mindful Fall Prevention for All Ages

All of us have fallen at one time or another. My own experiences include more than falling in childhood when learning to walk or ride a bicycle. Remember disco dancing? I cannot begin to describe the mortification I felt sliding across the dance floor when an overly enthusiastic partner lost hold of my hand. Or those same feelings when, in an attempt to “help” my daughter’s volleyball team, I leapt out of my seat, lost my balance and landed in the court (ugh, again on my stomach!) Oddly, the team did not seem all that grateful.

These memories are both humbling and humorous, but the truth is, falling is not funny and can wreak extreme, life-altering consequences. My grandfather was visiting a family member when he mistook the basement door for that of the bathroom and fell down an entire flight of stairs. He incurred significant injury that stayed with him for the duration and possibly shortened his life.

Falls are dangerous for older adults

While no age group is immune, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among older Americans. Since most falls are preventable, we owe it to one another to explore and implement measures for reducing the risk!

Reliable statistics indicate that 60 percent of falls occur in the home. Many organizations provide ideas to improve home safety. CICOA’s Safe at Home is wholly dedicated to keeping seniors safe by providing modifications for increasing accessibility and independence. The National Institute on Aging has compiled a convenient list of practical checkpoints for ensuring home safety, as have many other great organizations.

Learn how to prevent falls

Seniors and Balance: How to Stay Safe is a free, fun and uplifting one-hour workshop for you! Facilitated by CICOA’s CareAware staff, the workshop encourages participants of all ages to think about falling and reduce risk wherever they may be (not only at home). Attendees practice mindfulness in daily activity and commit to making essential changes in their attitudes, environments and behaviors.

You can be empowered to prevent many potential falls, but this cannot happen if you are fearful about falling. Instead of succumbing to fear—which typically results in inactivity and a diminished quality of life— take control! It’s possible to be mindful of hazards, but confident and motivated to eliminate them.

Contact CareAware at (317) 803-6002 or caregivers@cicoa.org to schedule a free workshop for your group!

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