TCC Gives Community Grant Supports Pet Connect

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CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions has received a $5,000 grant from the TCC Gives Community Grant program. These funds will help support CICOA’s Pet Connect program, which provides food and other services for our senior clients and their beloved animal companions. TCC Gives is a corporate giving initiative of Verizon.

“We are so thankful for this grant and how it will assist the seniors we serve by helping their pets,” said Steve Gerber, chief development officer. “We also value our relationship with Jason Buck at Verizon, and thank him for sponsoring CICOA’s grant application.”

There is a definite need for assistance with pet food costs for low-income seniors. Because many of our clients are on limited fixed incomes, they often face a decision of meeting their needs or the needs of their pet. Most of the time, they choose their furry companions. TCC Gives funding for Pet Connect is a win-win for the senior and the pet.

“We are grateful for this grant funding that helps keep our senior neighbors and their pets healthy and home together,” said Chelsea Neulieb, director of CICOA’s Meals & More service. “Seniors on fixed incomes can struggle to afford nutritious meals for themselves, which means they also struggle to feed their pets. The benefit of this grant to CICOA’s clients is clear: Low-income, homebound seniors no longer must choose between feeding themselves or their pets.”

The people who directly benefit from Pet Connect and the grant are homebound seniors who are receiving home-delivered meals from CICOA. To be eligible for home-delivered meals, individuals are confined to their home due to physical or mental health reasons, unable to prepare meals, have limited mobility or support systems, and must be 60 years or older or the spouse of someone age 60 and older. We offer regular assistance on an ongoing basis to the neediest clients (based on income).

TCC Gives

About TCC Gives

TCC Gives is committed to strengthening communities and helping people, with a vision to empower employees and customers to make a difference by providing programs, resources and grant opportunities that encourage volunteerism, support charitable initiatives, and improve communities. It operates through a percentage of profits from the nationwide Verizon retailer, TCC, and additional fundraising projects. To date, TCC Gives has donated $4,284,265.50 and counting.


Give to help provide pet food

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