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Growing and maintaining your own vegetables, herbs and spices can be a rewarding experience. If you think you need a lot of space to garden, think again. You can grow small edibles on a windowsill, porch, or a small patch of land. You can even create a welcoming entryway by planting vegetables in pots along your front steps. Here are 10 ideas of edibles that you can grow anywhere from The Micro Gardener and Rodale’s Organic Life:
- Spinach. Not only do these plants take less than a month to mature, spinach is extremely versatile.
- Cherry tomatoes. These can be grown in a garden bed, in a pot or even up a fence to save space.
- Kale. This trendy plant keeps on giving. By only taking off a few leaves at a time, it will continue to produce for months.
- Garlic. One clove will mature into an entire bulb. Save yourself from the added sodium in garlic salt by growing your own.
- Shallots. Just one bulb will develop up to six shallots. They can even be planted in the winter.
- Lemon balm. This easy growing, low-light loving herb only needs watered three times a week. It’s not only great to add to iced tea or summer salads, but it smells great, too.
- Chives. Grow these in a flower box outside a window that faces east or west, as they only need a little bit of sunlight.
- Ginger.Keep this spice in a humid environment or mist it often. It grows best in very little light and temperatures of about 70 degrees.
- Mint. These herbs will grow just about anywhere. Water them regularly and trim them every few weeks as they are known to take over gardens. They easily can be grown in a container.
- Cilantro and parsley. These no-fuss herbs grow best in cooler temperatures, little sunlight and only require a small amount of watering to thrive.
Not only is growing your own produce, herbs and spices fun, it’s also healthy. You know exactly where the edibles came from and what chemicals and pesticides (if any) have been used. Fresh produce has no added sodium, unlike canned produce from the store, aiding in heart health. Also, maintaining a garden has proven to relieve stress, making you a happier and healthier person. When you grow what you like, you don’t have to worry about limited selections at your local grocery. The options really are endless.
Want more information? Check out this link to learn more about growing your own produce and herbs.
A special thank you goes to Indiana State University dietetic student Emily Fortner for her contributions to this month’s Nutrition Blog.
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