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What would life be without CICOA?
Case Calvert pauses.
It’s a question he’s never considered. He doesn’t really want to think about it. “I’d hate to have to go through that. It would change a lot of aspects of my life.”
Then he sums it up with a single word. “Clarity.”
That’s what CICOA has provided for Case, a 31-year-old graphic designer who was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy when he was seven.
He doesn’t remember exactly when CICOA became a part of his life, but he knows this: Without CICOA, he wouldn’t have been able to maneuver through his childhood home. The organization made it possible for doorways to be widened, bathrooms to be modified and other changes that helped to accommodate a growing boy who relied on a wheelchair. CICOA connected Case and his family with home health aides, helped him get a power chair, and later equipped his vehicle so he can get around independently.
Case knows it didn’t all magically happen. CICOA was there to help connect him and his family to resources and initiate paperwork that provides people with disabilities access to the help they need.
“I don’t know how I would even function without CICOA,” Case said. “It’s rough to think about.”
Giving back
Because of the role CICOA played in his life, Case wanted to give back and be a voice for others with disabilities. He was elected to the CICOA Board of Directors two years ago, becoming the first CICOA client to serve on the board.
“It was a no-brainer to get involved,” Case said. “I wanted to help the disability community, and there’s no better place than CICOA.”
While Case had his own experience with CICOA–the organization also provided services for his grandfather, who had Alzheimer’s–Case quickly learned CICOA does much more than he realized.
“I learned about how deep CICOA runs,” he said.
Until he began serving on the board, he didn’t realize CICOA provided transportation services, offered meals or hosted the Safe at Home Day, providing safety modifications for seniors.
Bringing a unique voice to the Board of Directors
As a graphic designer, Case brings creative thinking skills to the board, which has been beneficial as the board updated its three-year strategic plan last fall. Case also is on the organization’s marketing and communications committee.
Case grew up on the southeast side of Indianapolis, graduating from Lutheran High School. He earned a degree from Herron School of Art and Design and now owns his own graphic design business. He also is on the Circle City Rollers power soccer team. Case scored the winning goal to help the team win the 2011 World Cup in Paris.
CICOA’s goal is to help those with disabilities and seniors live as independently as possible, and Case is a shining example. He got married in 2018, and in December, he and his bride moved into an apartment–the first time he’s lived away from his parents. It’s exciting and stressful, but Case also knows CICOA will be there to help him with his medical needs, and he’ll be there to help CICOA better understand just what that means.