Eat Fresh: Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables in Central Indiana

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Choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables can help you get more bang for your buck at local grocery stores and farmers markets. Additionally, it supports local farmers, provides local jobs, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by reducing long-distance transport.

What’s in season in Indiana right NOW?

Let’s explore produce that is in season between June through November in Central Indiana. This produce can be found at affordable prices at local grocery stores and farmers markets.

Fruits for Late Summer/Early Fall

Additional fruits available late summer to early fall:

  • Grapes
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Melons

Vegetables for Late Summer/Early Fall

Additional vegetables available late summer to early fall:

  • Lettuce
  • Pumpkins
  • Turnips

Where and when can I get locally grown, seasonal produce?

You can find locally grown, seasonal produce at farmers markets and grocery stores.

Those 60 years or older in Central Indiana can apply for CICOA’s Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. This program provides eligible seniors with a booklet of four $10 checks, totaling $40, that can be redeemed at participating farmers markets to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. These checks can be used any time from Aug. 1 to Oct. 15.

Emily Korte
Emily Korte

Emily Korte is the CICOA Nutrition and Food Security VISTA. She has a bachelor’s in nutrition and dietetics from Central Michigan University. In 2021, Emily served as Summer Nutrition Intern at Gleaners, where she implemented virtual and in-person nutrition education to children in the Indianapolis area. Emily brings this nutrition knowledge to the Meals & More department where she assists in implementing nutrition education and promoting the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. In the fall, Emily plans to attend Northern Illinois University to pursue a master’s in nutrition and dietetics with a certificate in public health. After graduation, she plans to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and pursue a career in which she can provide nutrition education and advocate for food assistance programs throughout the United States.

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